
Our Vision

香港六合彩精准资料 Vision and Values Policy

At 香港六合彩精准资料 (PCA) we recognise that each member of our community is unique with a diverse range of strengths, needs and aspirations. We celebrate this and strive to provide the highest possible educational provision in an environment where every child and young person can reach their full potential.

香港六合彩精准资料’s mission statement is:

“We grow together, we learn together, we will achieve our best together”

香港六合彩精准资料’s overarching Golden Threads which underpin everything we do are that we will enable our children and young people to be

“Successful Learners, Resilient Individuals and Responsible Citizens”

  • 鈼  Successful learners who have a love for learning, make better progress and achieve their full potential.

  • 鈼  Resilient individuals who are able to live safe, healthy, rewarding and happy lives.

  • 鈼  Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution.

    PCA enables this by providing and maintaining a caring, purposeful, safe and secure environment for all our children and young people, their families and the staff.

    Our Values

    At PCA, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background. The PCA way encourages tolerance, understanding and mutual respect.

    At PCA all pupils access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is designed to meet their needs and stage of development and enables them to grow, learn and achieve in preparation for adult life. This curriculum is delivered by highly skilled staff, using a range of quality first teaching styles which best meet the learning needs of our pupils.

    The PCA offer is fully inclusive and provides a total communication environment for all our pupils.

    All pupils are challenged to achieve the very best they can and their progress is rigorously tracked and celebrated. We assess each learner individually and use a wide range of evidence to set aspirational targets and track progress. Our assessment systems will encourage peer and self-assessment and will also be subject to internal and external moderation and scrutiny.

    All pupils at PCA will have their EHCP reviewed annually in line with the legal framework.

    At PCA we create an environment which promotes independence across all aspects of life.

    At PCA we prepare our leaners for adulthood through a consistent approach to behaviour management centered around effective relationships, high expectations and a clear framework of rewards and consequences, to promote self-esteem in pupils and enable them to self-regulate.

    At PCA we recognise the importance of providing a broad range of relevant enrichment opportunities for all children and young people and aim to improve our pupil’s aspirations for adult life through our rich and sustained cultural capital offer.

香港六合彩精准资料 Vision and Values Policy

We recognise the importance of effective and robust relationships and communication between school, families and professionals sit central to our approach and we recognise the positive impact this has on our children and young people.