
Mirror time

Image of Mirror time

This afternoon, we examined various features of our heads, including our ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. We used mirrors to observe the features of our faces. The children enjoyed making silly faces in the mirrors

Category: 1P 2023-2024


We are all winner’s!

Image of We are all winner’s!

We are all winners in 1P!

For our super job in sports day we were awarded a medal for all of our hard work during the activities.

We are so proud of the children for how well behaved they were and how good they were at the activities. 

The children were so proud of themselves as well…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Sports Day!!!

Image of Sports Day!!!

Sports Day!!!

Today was our sports day, we all looked amazing in our PCA P.e kits. 
It was amazing to see all of the children families here to join in and support the children.

Everyone did amazing from throwing balloons to holding parachutes to playing with Pom Pom's. 
All the children…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Guitar playing

Image of Guitar playing

Today in 1P we were exploring playing the electric guitar. 

Miss Smith brought in her guitar and gave us a performance to show us the different pitches that she could hit with the guitar being loud and quiet notes.

We all had a good long go on the guitar and we all loved making notes on the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Father’s Day cards

Image of Father’s Day cards

Today in 1P we made Father’s Day cards. 

We went into the forest school to collect some leaves for our special tree cards.

We also used our painted hand prints to be big bunches of leaves at the top of the trees. 

Everyone had such a lovely time making our special tree cards for our…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Phonics exploring our new sound ‘I’

Image of Phonics exploring our new sound ‘I’

In phonics in 1P today we were looking at our new sound ‘I’ 

The children were looking in our phonics sound tins and looking at some of the objects that began with the sound ‘I’.

We are becoming experts matching the phonics tin objects to our letter sounds.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


I - New phonics sound

Image of I - New phonics sound

Our new phonics sound is I

Here is the song that we use in class.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


D - day

Image of D - day

Today in 1p we had a special D - Day lesson.

We watched a couple of videos that were appropriate for our children, 

We then painted some finger paintings to colour in some poppies for the celebration of D - day the children loved finger painting and some even wanted to use some brushes and…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Building Blackpool landmarks

Image of Building Blackpool landmarks

In 1p we are looking at Blackpool for a topic, we have been looking at famous landmarks in Blackpool such as the big wheel, tower, pier, beach etc.

We have had a turn at building the tower and the big wheel with various building materials around are classroom, our towers and big wheels we made…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


H - phonics new sound

Image of H - phonics new sound

Our new sound for our phonics is H

here is the video we use in class.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Building a scarecrow

Image of Building a scarecrow

In 1p today we have taken part in making our own scarecrow, some of the children took part in filling the scarecrow with straw and hay others were making paper mache heads for the scarecrow. 
our pupils really loved building our scarecrow.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Life bus visit

Image of Life bus visit

Today we had the life bus visit us in school and talk to us about personal self care. We met Gerald giraffe and he taught us about brushing our teeth and our hair and taking care of our body.

the children loved meeting Gerald and we got amazing stickers for being super listeners and helping…

Category: 1P 2023-2024